Hringrásarhagkerfi í landslagsarkitektúr- fyrirlestur og vinnustofa

The one day- intensive course provides participants with an overview of Circular Economy implementation in Landscape Architecture. The main topics of the course address recourse management and the factors that may impede or promote Circularity. The course is a combination of lectures and workshop, and participants will get the chance to see different circular systems within Landscape Architecture field. The course will be held in Hvanneyri agricultural University Campus. The participants are expected to prepare a final presentation about a hypothetical „ Circular Economy project“ in Hvanneyri „Self-Sustained Agricultural University Campus.

8.30   Registration

8.45 Presentation of the Training School and importance of Circular Economy in Design
Structure and objectives
Welcome and technical/logistic issues related to location, meals, etc

9.00 Jakob Sandell Sorensen Head Of Sustainability, Schønherr (DK, Circual principles in
landscape architecture.
Guidelines to managing recourses, material flows and the environmental impacts of
landscape planning and design – based on current trends in Danish landscape architecture

10.30 Coffee break

11.00 Group devision – Workshop session

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Workshop
Circular Economy project” in Hvanneyri „Self-Sustained Agricultural University Campus.

15.00 Teamwork-discussion

16.30 End

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