Fyrirlestur um RhinoLands 21. febrúar kl.15.00

Þann 21. febrúar nk. kl.15.00 munu landslagsarkitektinn Elham Ghabouli og arkitektinn Francesc Salla frá Lands Design halda rafrænan fyrirlestur þar sem þau munu kynna þrívíddarforritið RhinoLands fyrir íslenskum landslagsarkitektum. Athugið að fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku.

Áhugasemir skulu senda línu á ritari@fila.is og fá í kjölfarið sendan hlekk að fyrirlestrinum.


RhinoLands serves as an independent BIM landscape design software, with a supplementary plugin designed for AutoCAD users. This webinar guides participants through the comprehensive design workflow using RhinoLands, encompassing drawing, terrain modeling, hardscape and vegetation design, visualization, and documentation tools. Duration: 60 minutes

Learning Outcomes:

You will learn the process of how to develop a full landscape project from 2D to 3D and how to produce the documentation. Other outcomes are:

• Understanding the BIM process and the documentation in RhinoLands

• Learn 3D Modeling tools in RhinoLands including vegetation and hardscape tools

• Know the basic commands of creating terrain

• Gain insight into the available visualization tools


Elham Ghabouli, PhD. in Urban and Architectural management, Landscape Architect. Product manager at Asuni Soft. Francesc Salla, Architect & Parametric design specialist, Product manager at Asuni Soft. 

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